
2022.04.20 Upgrade WordPress to v5.9.3 and upgrade several plugins. Remove AMP plugin to reduce reliance on Google.
2019.03.18 Upgrade WordPress to v5.1.1 and upgrade several plugins.
2018.09.14 Upgrade nginx and support the final version of TLSv1.3.
2018.08.26 Disable comment system due to multi-site issues. Comments and discussions can be made via Telegram channel. 
2018.08.24 Various plugin upgrade and fix a setting of site URL. 
2018.05.25 Upgrade WordPress to v4.9.6. Upgrade TwentyFifteen theme to v2.0. Update several plugins. Add privacy policy to the website.
2018.04.04 Upgrade WordPress to v4.9.5. Upgrade PHP to v7.2. Remove Algolia search plugin due to performance issues. Use Let’s Encrypt wild card certificate as the new TLS certificate.
2018.02.22 Upgrade WordPress to v4.9.4. Only allow TLSv1.2 connections with modern ciphers.
2017.11.20 Upgrade WordPress to v4.9 and TwentyFifteen theme to v1.9.
2017.10.03 Add OpenSearch support.
2017.08.30 Add Algolia search.
2017.07.05 Add Telegram integration. Now all posts will be automatically broadcasted to official telegram channel @alexsky_channel. Features are currently being developed for the new official telegram bot @alexsky_bot.
2017.06.10 Upgrade WordPress to v4.8 and TwentyFifteen theme to v1.8.
2017.05.09 Remove Wechat plugin and update several plugins. Alex Sky does not support Wechat platform anymore due to unreasonable identity verification imposed by the platform.
2017.03.27 Disable Cloudflare again due to poor China network performance
2017.03.23 Use Cloudflare CDN and remove GPG public key page
2016.12.29 Fix an issue with AMP pages
2016.12.23 Change to use Google BBR congestion control on VPS
2016.12.21 WordPress v4.7 and Twentytwelve v1.7
2016.09.09 Fix image display issue in rss feed
2016.09.08 WordPress v4.6.1
2016.09.07 Update certificate transparency information.
2016.08.31 Remove all StartSSL certs from the website. Use Let’s Encrypt certificates instead. Update Nginx openssl version to fix a critical security issue.
2016.08.26 Add comment subscription plugin.
2016.08.24 Remove Disqus commenting system due to GFW blocking. What a shame.
2016.08.22 Upgrade WordPress to v4.6, TwentyFifteen theme to v1.6 and update various JavaScript libraries.
2016.05.01 Remove Baidu Links Submit plugin.
2016.04.24 Fix various issues related to Media Library and image links and update the Feature Image across the site.
2016.04.22 Add AMP plugin.
2016.04.17 Add Baidu Links Submit plugin.
2016.04.15 Add Google Analytics.
2016.04.14 Enable declarative preloading.
2016.04.14 Upgrade WordPress to v4.5, theme TwentyFifteen to v1.5 and update various JavaScript libraries.
2016.02.17 Add Certificate Transparency support.
2016.02.08 Update certificates and TLS configurations.
2016.02.03 Fix an issue with image display.
2016.02.03 Upgrade WordPress to v4.4.2.
2016.01.22 Upgrade to PHP7.
2016.01.07 Upgrade WordPress to v4.4.1 and remove Akismet plugin. Add Disqus comment system.
2016.01.03 Fix an issue with comment form.
2015.12.30 Add syntax highlight support for code snippets.
2015.12.18 Upgrade several plugins and use “reuseport” option in nginx.
2015.12.10 Upgrade WordPress version to v4.4, theme Twentyfifteen version to v1.4, and create a child theme alex-sky based on Twentyfifteen.
2015.10.28 Enable gzip for all possible resources.
2015.10.06 Update site logo and favicons.
2015.10.05 Upgrade akismet and wp super cache plugin and improve font display.
2015.09.23 Upgrade nginx to support HTTP/2 protocol.
2015.09.09 Upgrade nginx and openssl version to support the latest CHACHA20-POLY1305 cipher.
2015.08.22 Update theme to TwentyFifteen v1.3.
2015.08.20 Update WordPress version to 4.3, and migrate the server to Sydney on Vultr.
2015.08.05 Update WordPress version to 4.2.4.
2015.07.31 Fix a font display issue with Windows 10.
2015.07.14 Remove CloudFlare CDN due to connectivity issue in China. Reactivate WeChat integration.
2015.06.19 Migrate Linode to Fremont data centre.
2015.06.13 Use cloudflare to increase the performance of
2015.06.12 Use cloudflare to increase the performance of, and fix a critical issue of comment form submission.
2015.05.04 Update WordPress version to 4.2.1 and theme TwentyFifteen version to 1.1
2014.12.30 Use Authy instead of Duo Security
2014.12.29 Update theme to TwentyFifteen
2014.12.19 Update WordPress version to 4.1
2014.12.07 Update font colours to increase readability
2014.11.11 将Alex Sky加入Google Chrome HSTS preload列表
2014.10.29 废除OCSP Stapling
2014.10.18 将服务器迁移至Linode日本节点,提高访问速度
2014.09.19 使用WP Super Cache代替停滞不前的W3 Total Cache,去除hhvm暂不支持的memcached服务
2014.09.18 使用hhvm替换php5-fpm,改进PHP性能
2014.09.05 升级为WordPress 4.0和TwentyTwelve 1.5
2014.09.02 为网站开启IPv6访问
2014.08.28 因SGP1数据中心网络改善,搬迁服务器至SGP1数据中心
2014.08.23 优化TLS配置,启用管理区域证书认证,增强安全性。因微信公众平台不支持非80端口,移除微信公众平台插件及接口。
2014.08.17 优化TLS配置,本站从今天起强制启用TLS,增加安全性。移除性能拖后腿的百度统计代码
2014.08.12 升级至Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS,WordPress 3.9.2
2014.07.14 用MariaDB代替MySQL,提升性能
2014.06.07 升级OpenSSL,修复安全问题
2014.05.30 升级jQuery,采用更安全的登陆方法,实现内网隔离。
2014.05.01 升级至Linux Kernel 3.13
2014.04.25 更新图片链接,恢复使用本地图片
2014.04.21 升级Wordpress版本至3.9
2014.04.08 升级OpenSSL,修复安全问题
2014.04.07 微调Javascript,更新微信公众平台接口
2014.04.06 修改背景样式,使用星空图案
2014.03.23 修改字体样式
2014.03.14 更新许可协议版本至4.0
2014.03.11 因兼容性问题去除Ajax Loader,改用传统方法。修改字体样式
2014.02.14 搬迁服务器至SFO1数据中心,加快国内访问速度
2014.02.07 修正一个潜在的SEO问题
2014.02.05 添加SPDY/3.1支持
2014.01.28 修正一个sitemap的问题
2014.01.26 调整TLS设置,兼顾安全性和兼容性,修复一个OCSP配置问题,修复HTML5的规范问题,采用DuoSecurity二步验证
2014.01.24 增加页面Ajax异步加载,改善体验,升级WordPress版本至3.8.1,去除PrismJS
2014.01.21 取消Google CDN
2014.01.20 增加Windows 8/8.1的Live Tile支持
2014.01.13 加强安全设置,隐藏网站真实IP
2014.01.09 增加NoScript ABE规则推送
2014.01.03 为Google Pagespeed Service启用TLS,调整CDN的Real IP识别
2013.12.28 再次重新启用Google Pagespeed Service
2013.12.23 集成微信公众账号功能
2013.12.22 修正一个全页缓存的错误,修正一个sitemap错误
2013.12.19 升级Nginx,调整cipher suites,提升性能和安全性
2013.12.15 修复一个js加载的小问题,修改CSP规则,增强兼容性
2013.12.14 升级WordPress版本至3.8
2013.12.09 改用Nginx,取消Varnish,简化站点结构,提升性能
2013.12.08 修复prismjs代码高亮的一个小错误
2013.11.30 升级PHP至5.5,采用新版wp_db_driver,改进兼容性,采用Zend Opcache,代替APC
2013.11.27 修正一个小的配置错误,将Apache改为event模式,提高性能
2013.11.24 采用memcached来缓存object和db query,替代APC。APC仅作为opcache使用
2013.11.22 采用prism的syntax highlighter
2013.11.19 升级Apache版本,采用php5-fpm模式,增强性能和安全性
2013.11.18 优化APC缓存设置,博客进入稳定状态,不再进行大范围更改
2013.11.16 因为兼容性问题,去除SPDY,改进标签和分类结构
2013.11.14 添加SPDY协议支持,增强SSL连接性能
2013.11.11 添加SSL加密功能,增强安全性
2013.11.10 升级主题版本至1.3,重新启用默认评论体系,代替多说插件,调整css和js代码
2013.11.08 因服务不稳定,去掉安全宝CDN
2013.11.02 添加APC opcode缓存,增强PHP性能
2013.11.01 针对国内用户添加安全宝CDN,加快访问速度
2013.10.31 添加Varnish反向代理缓存,进一步提高站点整体稳定性
2013.10.30 调整部分插件,去除BAE memecached,替换为W3 Total Cache
2013.10.29 迁移站点至DigitalOcean VPS,微调目录结构,升级WordPress版本至3.7.1
2013.10.26 升级WordPress版本至3.7
2013.10.19 重新添加all-in-one-seo插件,去除noindex选项,优化缓存设置,添加DNS预读
2013.10.17 去除all-in-one-seo插件,修复网站崩溃的问题
2013.10.04 调整百度统计代码,异步加载
2013.09.27 重新整理所有js代码,将Google Analytics替换为百度统计
2013.09.13 升级WordPress版本至3.6.1
2013.08.28 更新多说插件到v1.1
2013.08.27 因稳定性不达标,再次关闭pagespeed,优化核心程序
2013.08.20 修复一个安全隐私相关的问题
2013.08.13 重新启用pagespeed,取消默认优化
2013.08.10 升级WordPress版本至3.6
2013.08.05 微调目录结构,更加易于理解
2013.08.03 优化HTML,yslow和pagespeed得分均达到100
2013.07.28 继续优化js加载,因为网络不通畅,禁用Google CDN服务
2013.07.26 优化js和css加载,为海外用户开启Google CDN加速,修复若干死链
2013.07.22 调整网站域名,从alexyang.me调整为,增强兼容性
2013.07.20 优化缓存参数
2013.07.12 修复feed无法显示原图的问题
2013.07.11 采用Feedsky代替默认feed,界面更加友好
2013.07.09 增加prefetch和prerender,预加载网页
2013.07.08 修复rss feed的一个语法问题,采用batcache,实现“瞬间载入”
2013.07.06 修复评论插件的一个小问题,优化SEO
2013.07.05 优化sitemap,集成“多说”评论插件
2013.07.02 优化css和js的加载顺序,采用异步js和异步图片载入,设置js/css cache,进一步提高速度
2013.06.30 更改社会化组件,对整个站点开启gzip压缩,优化主要js和css,测试使用memcache,提高加载速度
2013.06.30 将open sans改为微软雅黑,去除外界依赖性,加快访问速度
2013.06.29 修复一个评论后显示空白页面的bug
2013.06.29 博客正式上线!