
Robot looking at you













这个群体将何去何从?或许“全民基本收入”(Universal Basic Income,简称UBI)便是答案之一。也就是说,当企业及社会的整体产能已经被机器所承担,人类本身并不需要在工厂和办公室里度过漫长的工作日才能维持生活。相反,大部分人都可以依靠政府或社会机构提供的“基本收入”,免于为生存挣扎。









When AI Embraces the World: Creativity and the Dawn of a New Social Order

With the launch of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, the phrase “AI is here” transformed from a science fiction trope into a palpable reality. In that moment, countless people found themselves asking the same question: What will the world look like when machines, equipped with computational power far beyond human imagination, evolve at breathtaking speed through deep learning? Optimists envision AI propelling humanity into a golden age where technology and civilisation advance hand in hand. Pessimists fear that as AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and even ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) mature, human workers will face irreversible displacement. The truth, as history has shown, likely lies somewhere in between. Each seismic shift in human history has brought progress entwined with disruption, offering new opportunities even as it sows new challenges.

In recent years, one pressing question has emerged: How will AI reshape the structure of society? Some argue that machines will replace the majority of the workforce, concentrating wealth and power in the hands of a select few while leaving those who fail to adapt behind. Others contend that AI could drive breakthroughs in medicine, energy, and even space exploration, unlocking a world of greater freedom, abundance, and creativity—if humanity wields this “key” wisely. History suggests, however, that reality is rarely black and white. It meanders through the grey zones, presenting us with both opportunities and trials. From this vantage point, we might imagine a society where AI creates three distinct social strata, divided primarily by an individual’s ability to harness and utilise AI effectively.

The Elite: The “Forgers of the Age” (1%-5%)

I’ve often wondered what the elite of the future will look like. In the past, political power or capital often delineated the boundary between the upper echelons and the masses. In the AI age, the defining skill may well be the ability to design and command AI. This group sees AI as the language of creation, excelling in crafting the underlying structures—robotics, complex systems, and algorithmic logic—that form the foundation of our future. These individuals, whether in university labs, corporate R&D departments, or secluded experimental spaces, are the architects and stewards of AI.

In the new societal hierarchy, major decisions will hinge on AI’s capacity to analyse vast amounts of data and offer insights. Beneath those insights lie algorithms painstakingly designed by the elite. Put simply, those who can advance and control these models hold the golden key to the future. As such, they will occupy the apex of the social pyramid, wielding unparalleled influence.

This scenario might evoke memories of the internet boom, when throngs of people sought to join the ranks of tech magnates or venture capitalists, believing that catching the wave would guarantee wealth and status. The “AI elite train” has even fewer seats and higher requirements—deep mathematical prowess, extraordinary creativity, and an acute understanding of industry trends are non-negotiable. This 1%-5% of the population will remain firmly atop the food chain.

The Middle Class: The “Engines of Human Creativity” (10%-30%)

In the previous technological revolution, many white-collar workers transitioned from repetitive tasks to creative roles in marketing, media, and design. In the AI age, these roles may either vanish or be redefined. For the middle class, the most valuable currency will be the spark of human ingenuity.

No matter how advanced AI becomes, it cannot generate training material out of thin air—it needs a constant stream of “feedstock” provided by humans. This feedstock includes creativity, ideas, stories, and imagination—the very elements that can catalyse transformative changes in AI models. These are the middle class’s competitive edge.

In a sense, this reimagined middle class resembles a group of creators operating at the frontier of art, culture, and media. They might include traditional professionals who retain practical expertise, but they also possess the ability to think beyond convention. Much like today’s influencers or content creators, their audience will expand beyond humans to include intelligent systems. AI, in turn, will rely on absorbing the values and aesthetics of human creativity to simulate or even innovate further. Those capable of interpreting AI feedback and using it to fuel ongoing innovation will anchor the middle stratum of the new social order.

The UBI Class: The “Peripheral Yet Essential” Majority (65%+)

One of the most controversial possibilities for the future is that AI will replace many traditional jobs at unprecedented speed. Even the most skilled human worker cannot compete with a robot’s unyielding precision and 24-hour availability, particularly in high-repetition or low-skill tasks. As a result, vast swathes of blue-collar and even white-collar jobs reliant on routine will face obsolescence.

What happens to this displaced majority? Universal Basic Income (UBI) may be one solution. In a world where machines shoulder the lion’s share of production, people will no longer need to endure long workdays to survive. Instead, the majority can subsist on basic income provided by governments or social institutions.

However, UBI is not synonymous with idleness. In a future flooded with AI-generated content—from immersive experiences to interactive media—the UBI class will become a vast cohort of “responders.” Through their likes, comments, and emotional feedback, they will provide vital data to refine AI systems. Greater participation may yield higher benefits, while minimal engagement will still afford a subsistence-level income.

This dynamic creates a massive feedback loop where AI generates creative works, and humans respond, enabling continuous refinement. While members of the UBI class might enjoy higher living standards and entertainment choices than in the past, their autonomy will likely diminish. The levers of creativity and control remain firmly in the hands of the elite and AI.

Division and Future: Creativity as the Crown Jewel

While these three groups appear distinct, they are interdependent. The elite lay the technological foundation, the middle class infuses it with creativity, and the UBI class provides the feedback that fuels refinement. Society, as always, marches forward, but not without growing pains. Even as AI’s benefits ripple outward, the gap between the upper and lower echelons—both material and existential—will widen. Yet history reminds us that humanity rarely stands still. With every new resource and opportunity, the ember of innovation glows even brighter.

This is why creativity deserves to be celebrated. Through countless waves of automation, the human spark has endured, undimmed. As Steve Jobs once said in his Stanford address, “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” In the AI age, we must adopt an open mindset, embrace knowledge, and nurture our creativity. In a world where information is abundant, pure inspiration—untouched by formulas—becomes the rarest commodity.

For educators, this presents a new challenge: how to pivot from teaching rote skills to fostering innovation. How can we prepare children to thrive alongside AI, not as passive users but as imaginative partners? The answer lies in cultivating originality, critical thinking, and self-expression.

In the summer of 2007, I wrestled with my university and career choices, unsure of what “practical” looked like. Decades later, I find myself facing an even greater shift, one that demands we all reconsider our roles in an AI-driven world. Perhaps in ten or twenty years, we will look back at today with a mix of awe and nostalgia, much like we now view the first computers we ever used.

AI heralds boundless opportunities—and fierce competition. Repetitive jobs will disappear, but new fields will emerge, becoming playgrounds for the bold. Who will wield AI’s sharp edge to carve out a new path for themselves and society? This is a question we must answer over a lifetime. Yet one thing remains certain: the human mind, with its boundless imagination, will remain our most irreplaceable asset—our ace in the ever-changing game of progress.

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