Recent changes to Alex Sky

After coming to Australia, a lot of things have changed in my life, and I really want to share those things with you. Now that the potential readers of this blog might speak different languages, I intend to target different audience with different content and languages. Therefore, I have made some small but substantial changes to this blog.

First of all, I come to understand that this blog has three kinds of articles each targeting different people. It is a place where I record my experience and life moments, which is more or less a diary to me. It is also a place where I share my thoughts and opinions about current affairs and heated topics, which target people with similar ideas and belief. It also serves as a platform where I record and share the technical knowledge, whether it is a programming code snippet or an innovative way to solve a problem. This platform targets people in the same industry, and because technology doesn’t have a boundary, I assume the readers of this section understand English.

Articles related to my personal life and experience will be placed under the “Life” category. Articles that carry an opinion toward current affairs and topics will be placed under the “Opinions” category. Articles that are very technical in nature and probably contain code snippets and examples will be put into the “Technology” category. Articles under “Life” and “Opinions” category will be written primarily in Simplified Chinese, and articles under “Technology” category will be written in English from now on. The top navigation now reflects this change.

Articles under “Opinions” category will also be published to Alex Sky Wechat official account, Wechat friend circle and Sina Microblog. Articles under “Life” category will be published to Facebook and Wechat friend circle. Articles under “Technology” category will not be published anywhere, and republishing in any form needs my consent.

This announcement is written in both English and Chinese, and below is the Chinese version.





“Opinions”类别里的文章将同时发表到Alex Sky微信官方账号,朋友圈和新浪微博里面。”Life”类别里的文章将同时发表到Facebook和朋友圈。”Technology”类别里的文章不会在任何平台分享,任何形式的转载必须征得本人同意。